
Taming the Monkey Meditation Timer

tamethemonkey_520x300Well this was an interesting find, an iPhone app that helps you meditate. Actually its a timer you can set for any interval up to 20 minutes though the author of the app says he is going to add an ‘open ended’ timer facility to the app at some stage. What use that will be I am not sure. The app says it also includes advice and guidance on how to meditate and is named after the Taoist way of thinking about the mind as a ‘monkey’ that jabbers, chatters and can’t stay still. I was taught a simple meditation based on this theme called “Lock the Monkey” which includes its own built in timer. The idea is you count to 100 during your meditation and when you can count to 100 without loosing your place you are making progress it seems. the idea being that you must count to 100 without loosing your place for 100 consecutive days before you can consider this level of meditation to have been mastered. Then you move onto ‘taming the horse’ but that is another story. I did try to install the app on my old 3G iPhone but it didn’t work. One of the problems of having older technology as the rush of the new leaves us standing a little out of breath. Needless to say it was only because I thought it might be something fun to play with so no great loss really. So now back to counting…1… 2… 3… 4…

You can find out more about the app here:

Or you can hop over to iTunes and download it directly for the very reasonable price of $0.99

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